Intel xtu benchmark scores
Intel xtu benchmark scores

intel xtu benchmark scores

Its not 8K video on 6 screens mosaic but 720p on 24 inch monitor is just fine. To do this, open Intel XTU, and navigate to the Benchmarking tab and click on Run XTU Benchmark. After the benchmark finishes running, you should note down the score somewhere for later use.

intel xtu benchmark scores

Run the benchmark a couple of times and note the average score to get a more accurate picture of the situation.

intel xtu benchmark scores

The point being that people can game on a T1700 with DDR3 and Xeon and Quadro K2200. To do this, open Intel XTU, and navigate to the Benchmarking tab and click on Run XTU Benchmark. Thats why an Optiplex 780 with core 2 quad processor and 8 gigs of ram works fine with a GT1030 and games like GTA 5 and Fortnite. I have older systems from 2006 with pentium D945 cpu like XPS 400 but DDR2 and Netburst is just wayy too slow for modern gpus and quad core is as low as you want to go to get reasonable frame rates even at 720P aka 1366 x 768. Using the Vaccuum tube reference was just to indicate that its very old. I used the Mosetup method on my T1700 because it has TPM 1.2 and secure boot capability. Its main value being you do not have to buy a $200 windows 10 or windows 11 pro licence because you can get 10 to install and activate then upgrade your 11 or use RUFUS 3.17 and make a USB installer from WIN11 ISO and install that. The T1700 is from 2012 and has Windows 8.0 bios key. Which is why I know about ATT Unix and Microsoft Xenix and CPM etc. Really old and from well before MSDOS from 1981 or the Apple II OS from 1977.

Intel xtu benchmark scores